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Selasa, 03 April 2012

When Nutrilon Boy Grow Older

We were taught how the pioneers went into the West,
They opened their eyes, and made up what things could be,
A long time ago, things got broken here.
People got sad and left.
Maybe the world breaks on purpose so we can have work to do.
People don’t think there are frontiers anymore,
They can’t see how frontiers are all around us.
Levi's Go Forth To Work - Braddock, PA
I want to live my life to the absolute fullest,
To open my eyes to be all I can be,
To travel roads not taken,
to meet faces unknown,
To feel the wind,
to touch the stars,
I promise to discover myself,
To stand tall with greatness,
To chase down and catch every dream.
Nutrilon Royal 3 - LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE
I wanna make clouds,
I want to jump over fences,
Play with shadows,
Paint faces,
Get wet,
Eat wind,
Chase rainbows,
and Collect stars.
Nutrilon Royal 3 - Life Is An Adventure 2

Your life is your life. 
Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. 
Be on the watch. 
There are ways out. 
Know them. 
Take them. 
Your life is your life. 
Know it while you have it. 
You are marvelous. 

When Nutrilon Boy Grow Older 9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Admin Tempat Berbagi Ilmu Untuk Sesama

Artikel When Nutrilon Boy Grow Older Ini Diposting Oleh Unknown Pada Hari Selasa, 03 April 2012. Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda Serta Kesediaan Anda Membaca Artikel Ini. Kritik dan Saran Dapat Anda Sampaikan Melalui Kotak Komentar.


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